Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Intent of Teddy's Place

My intentions are to do a daily posting. I have already missed that to start, since a day has passed since my opening posting. Trying to figure how to go with this, I have decided I will make this an open forum for me and anyone else who wishes to join in. I will post different comments on different topics which may or may not be my feelings. I hope to make it interesting enough to have people returning to see what I have posted each day. I will try my hand at telling some stories, some true some not. I may or may not tell you if they are true or not, depending on how I feel at that moment. Hopefully I do not to offend anyone, if the subject I choose to discuss is offensive to anyone, tell me why you find it offensive. I mean to throw thoughts out that are open for discussion or to be looked at possibly in a different perspective. I hope this will be a fun and enlightening learning experience for me and anyone else who chooses to participate.

That is enough for this posting. I will now see what I can come up with for tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I think that will be interesting. Yes, I find it does take discipline to keep writing. I have made a point to write a post a week. Lately I've been reviewing books although this past week I simply wrote about my personal thoughts on something that recently happened. You should find a day and a time and say, "this is my time to write." Turn off the phone and lock the door, even your computer room door. I find that works best.
    I don't know about you, but I am really enjoying my blog as a creative outlet.
    If you are interested in following mine you can. Have a great day. I always ask my mom how you're doing.
